Justice Needs in Burkina Faso

COVID-19 has forced many around the globe to become creative and innovative. In order to still get an idea of the legal problems in Burkina Faso, we decided to launch an online survey, filled in by respondents recruited via social media. This report is the result of that exercise.
Delivering Justice in the COVID-19 Crisis: Solutions and Interventions

In a follow-up survey on delivering justice in the time of COVID-19, 85 thought leaders shared their views about these questions with us. These leaders come primarily from Uganda, Bulgaria, the Netherlands and Syria.
Before, during and after COVID-19: Legal problems of mSMEs in Ukraine

A relatively small proportion of the micro, small and medium scale enterprises (mSMEs) from the survey sample — 16% — say that in the past 2 years they had to deal with legal problems. But the reported legal problems are very serious, impactful, and costly.
Justice in the COVID-19 Crisis: What People Are Saying on Social Media

Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, people have been sharing their views on the justice problems happening around them on social media. In April 2020, HiiL began collecting data from Facebook and Twitter to identify trends in social media activity and find out what people around the world have been saying.
Delivering Justice in the Covid-19 crisis

Thought leaders in the justice sector are concerned about a looming wave of legal problems. They expect incidents of injustice to surge. This may lead to civil unrest in some countries. Business as usual – by courts and police enforcing laws, with legal services available for the few – is unlikely to work.