- Four out of ten Tunisians encountered one or more serious legal problems between 2012 and 2016.
- Most of the legal problems in Tunisia are related to people’s basic livelihood.
- 18% of all legal problems are about protecting the fundamental right to work.
- Problems related to public services (11%) and disputes with neighbours (9%) are the second and third most common legal problems after employment.
- Legal problems that people in Tunisia encounter are not only frequent, but also have high impact.
- Almost three out of four Tunisians take active steps to find a fair resolution for their disagreements or grievances.
- For more than half of the legal problems, people attempted to resolve the dispute through some sort of self-action.
- People in Tunisia have to expend a lot of time, stress and emotion in order to resolve their legal problems.
- The vast majority of legal problems of Tunisians are not resolved.