Justice Innovation Labs for sustainable solutions Hadin kai-bani fondo: A digital platform for land conflict resolution in Niger

Hadin kai-bani fondo: A digital platform for land conflict resolution in Niger

Justice innovation lab in Niger

The Justice Innovation Lab (JIL) in Niger set out to co-create a sustainable approach to preventing and resolving land disputes related to shared natural resources. Through a structured, design-thinking process spanning four sessions from 2023 to 2024, key justice stakeholders — including traditional leaders, government officials, and farming organisations — collaborated to develop a solution uniquely tailored to Niger’s specific context. Their goal was to create an accessible, user-centred justice tool that strengthens local mechanisms for conflict prevention and resolution.

Overview of legal needs in Niger

Niger faces a pressing challenge: nearly a quarter of its population encounters land conflicts annually. According to HiiL’s 2023 Justice Needs and Satisfaction Survey, these disputes—impacting 23% of Nigeriens—primarily concern livestock ownership, land use, and boundary issues. This issue disproportionately affects rural areas, home to over 80% of Niger’s population. While customary authorities are integral to conflict mediation, they frequently face two key barriers: limited legal knowledge and a lack of suitable tools to deliver fair and enduring solutions.

Designing the solution: Hadin kai-bani fondo

Hadin kai-bani fondo, meaning “The Path to Cohesion,” is a pioneering digital platform that supports the management of land and resource disputes through innovative digital solutions. Accessible online and offline, this platform bolsters the capacities of traditional leaders and supports local communities in addressing everyday challenges. Organised into step-by-step guides and a conversational format, the platform offers valuable information, guidelines, and best practices for resolving or preventing various types of conflicts. The strength of this solution lies in its inclusive governance model, led by the Ministry of Justice and supported by a steering committee of experts from the National Legal Aid Agency (ANAJJ), the Permanent Secretariat of the Rural Code, and the Association of Traditional Chiefs of Niger.

Key features


In essence, Hadin kai-bani fondo empowers local leaders and communities by placing customary chiefs at the forefront, making land justice in Niger more accessible, transparent, and effective for all.

Reflections of participants