Justice Innovation Labs for sustainable solutions One-stop shop centre for victims of domestic violence in Ogun State, Nigeria

One-stop shop centre for victims of domestic violence in Ogun State, Nigeria

Innovation lab journey

The Justice Innovation Lab – Ogun State (JIL) aimed at designing and co-creating a sustainable solution that improves the prevention and resolution of domestic violence problems in Ogun state, Nigeria. The JIL evolved through a well-organized design-thinking process conducted in four sessions over six months, from July to December 2023. It brought together a diverse group of 25-30 key justice stakeholders, including representatives from state and non-state actors such as the legal advisers from the offices of the Governor, State Ministry of Justice, Judiciary, Violence Against Persons Prohibition Management Committee, Nigeria Police Force, Nigeria Bar Association, Joint Association of Persons with Disabilities, Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), State Bureau of IT, Social Finance NL, Academia, traditional and religious leaders, and more.

Overview of the justice landscape

According to the 2023 Justice Needs and Satisfaction Survey conducted by HiiL, approximately 81% of people in Nigeria face a legal problem every year. Domestic violence is the most serious and the second most common problem experienced by women and men in Nigeria and Ogun State. This most often takes the form of emotional or psychological abuse, physical violence, and economic deprivation (around 80% of all cases). Women, residents from rural areas, and young people (between 18-24 years) are more likely to face domestic violence. 

In Ogun State, individuals dealing with domestic violence issues rarely resort to formal channels like lawyers and courts due to factors such as high costs and time-consuming processes. As a result, justice users often adopt informal and unstructured approaches to address domestic violence problems, relying largely on support from family, friends, neighbours, as well as seeking assistance from the police, religious leaders, colleagues, and community leaders. 

Design of the solution

Ibi Isadi, a Yoruba word that means ‘a place of refuge’ aptly fits as the name of the one-stop shop centre designed for domestic violence problems in Ogun State.  The centre addresses the needs of justice users by enhancing accessibility and availability of domestic violence information, facilitating better referrals between justice users and providers (both formal and informal), and enhancing the capabilities of justice providers in preventing and resolving domestic violence problems. Below are descriptions of its key features: 

Reflections of participants