3. Legal problems in the last 12 months

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75% of the participants report experiencing one or more legal problems in the previous 12 months. These results are higher than the JNS survey, whereby 55% of the sample population experienced one or more legal problems in the previous four years.

Why are there differences between the two studies? The higher rate here may be due to the self-selecting nature of the eJNS. Additionally, those who answered the survey via WhatsApp may be more aware of their problems and the existing routes to solve them due to previous interactions with the Inclusive Justice Activity. Additionally, people could have reported non-personal problems, choosing to disclose problems that occurred to close people like family or friends. It is also possible that some people quit the survey if they have not experienced a problem or believe their problem to be of a confidential nature11.

On average, people report experiencing 2,44 legal problems in the span of 12 months.


[11] This is still considered a possibility, despite there being an option to select not having experienced legal problems and various notes which reaffirmed the confidential nature of the data.