The Gamechangers

Frequently Asked Questions

This page addresses some of the most relevant and frequently asked questions about Gamechangers.


How are the gamechangers important for the work on people-centred justice?


How did the work on gamechangers come about?


What are the categories of gamechangers?


What would each of these categories entail in further details?

Community justice services that deliver solutions effectively and integrate formal and informal justice through: houses of justice; paralegals; justices of the peace; judicial facilitators; or community tribunals.

Services that provide safe, verified and user-friendly contracts (or other legal documents) to the masses, ensuring fairness in families, at work, among neighbours and between small businesses and their partners. These include services that provide easy access to these documents, which is often achieved through online platforms.
Tribunals or platforms that offer (binding) mandatory one-stop dispute resolution services for employment, family or other justice problems by connecting advice, negotiation, facilitation and adjudication in a seamless way. These services tend to be offered online and complement in-person services.
Problem-solving practices or courts that bring defendants, victims, lawyers, public defenders, community leaders and/or prosecutors together to address the underlying causes of crime. Key features of a problem-solving approach include rehabilitation, interdisciplinary collaboration, and accountability.
Claiming services that help people access vital public services, such as social security benefits, proof of personal identity or health care. These services are supported online, combined with help desks or local in-person assistance.


Prevention programmes or services that are supported by online and offline tools to ensure safety and security from violence, theft and fraud.


People-centred online information/advice and follow-up services that help people solve their justice problems in a step-by-step, fair and effective way that is consistent with their legal entitlements.


What is the current work being done on gamechangers at HiiL?


How does the research on gamechangers align with the work being done at our partner organisations?

The focus on these seven gamechangers/ service delivery models is seen across some of our partner organisations. The ODI’s research on Sierra Leone Legal Aid Board following the work done by Namati’s on Community Justice Services, GIZ’s pioneering work on technology in the space of justice delivery are some examples of these overlaps.


Contact information

Kanan Dhru, Justice Innovation Advisor 

T: +31 (0) 70 762 0700 | E:

Muzenstraat 120, 2511 WB The Hague, The Netherlands

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