Explore Data of Countries
Find out how people in different countries around the world experience justice. What are the most serious problems people face? How are problems being resolved? Find out the answers to these and more.
*GP – general population; *HCs – host communities; IDPs* – internally displaced persons
Justice Services
Innovation is needed in the justice sector. What services are solving justice problems of people? Find out more about data on justice innovations.
The Gamechangers
The 7 most promising categories of justice innovations, that have the potential to increase access to justice for millions of people around the world.
Justice Innovation Labs
Explore solutions developed using design thinking methods for the justice needs of people in the Netherlands, Nigeria, Uganda and more.
Creating an enabling regulatory and financial framework where innovations and new justice services develop
Rules of procedure, public-private partnerships, creative sourcing of justice services, and new sources of revenue and investments can help in creating an enabling regulatory and financial framework.
Forming a committed coalition of leaders
A committed group of leaders can drive change and innovation in justice systems and support the creation of an enabling environment.
Find out how specific justice problems impact people, how their justice journeys look like, and more.
In 2023, HiiL launched the land justice guideline for practitioners in the Ogun state in Nigeria in collaboration with the Office of the Attorney General of Ogun state and Hon Justice Ogunfowora. The recommendations drawn from HiiL’s international literature review to resolve family problems were validated by experts in Ogun state as effective in resolving family problems in the state.
To collect the best practices of local experts, HiiL consulted 100 practitioners in Ogun State including judges, policymakers, lawyers, paralegals, cultural- and religious leaders, paralegals and others. These insights of local experts show what has proven to work for practitioners in a specific region. Practitioners across Nigeria can adapt the best practices to suit the needs of the geography in which they work.
In the below section, we compare the best practices of local experts with recommendations drawn from the literature review. The ones that are not in line with the literature need further research.
Table of Contents
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The Hague Institute for
Innovation of Law
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