8. Strategy 5: strengthening the movement

8 8. Strategy 5: strengthening the movement Trend Report 2021 – Delivering Justice / 8. Strategy 5: strengthening the movement The task force must ensure momentum is sustained. When considering this fifth strategic intervention, we can assume that the task force has been assembled and progress has been made towards evidence-based working. A sizable minority […]
8. Strategy 4: data on problems, impact and outcomes

8 8. Strategy 4: data on problems, impact and outcomes Trend Report 2021 – Delivering Justice / 8. Strategy 4: data on problems, impact and outcomes Effective people-centred justice critically depends on availability of data. Data collected at the level of service delivery inform the quality of a particular service. Data collected and published at […]
7. Strategy 4: improving the enabling environment

7 7. Strategy 4: improving the enabling environment Trend Report 2021 – Delivering Justice / 7. Strategy 4: improving the enabling environment The demand for effective solutions for pressing justice problems is both evident and substantial. New methods to resolve problems are available, as are supporting technologies. Yet in most countries the gamechangers needed to […]
6. Strategy 3: strengthening and scaling justice services

6 6. Strategy 3: strengthening and scaling justice services Trend Report 2021 – Delivering Justice / 6. Strategy 3: strengthening and scaling justice services Having ensured that justice services can provide high-quality treatments, the task force should turn to effective delivery of such treatments. Together, the available services need to reach tens or hundreds of […]
5. Strategy 2: promoting evidence-based practive

5 5. Strategy 2: promoting evidence-based practice Trend Report 2021 – Delivering Justice / 5. Strategy 2: promoting evidence-based practive The second strategy a task force should consider aims to increase the effectiveness of what is done to prevent or resolve justice problems: evidence-based practice. Justice services are transitioning from executing processes prescribed by rules […]
4. Strategy 1: data on problems, impact and outcomes

4 4. Strategy 1: data on problems, impact and outcomes Trend Report 2021 – Delivering Justice / 4. Strategy 1: data on problems, impact and outcomes Effective people-centred justice critically depends on the availability of data on the effects on people of injustices and justice interventions (Chapman et al. 2021). What is the impact of […]
3. Agenda-setting: pressing problems, goals and gamechangers

3 3. Agenda-setting: pressing problems, goals and gamechangers Trend Report 2021 – Delivering Justice / 3. Agenda-setting: pressing problems, goals and gamechangers In this chapter we explore how task forces can scope their work. They may be assigned a specific type of justice problem. They may also be expected to improve access to justice for […]
2. Owning people-centred justice

2 2. Owning people-centred justice Trend Report 2021 – Delivering Justice / 2. Owning people-centred justice The transition towards people-centred and evidence-based justice systems requires effective leadership. Why is that not emerging by itself and in response to the clear demand for better and more effective conflict resolution? In this chapter, we start with describing […]
1. Making the case for people-centred justice

1 1. Making the case for people-centred justice Trend Report 2021 – Delivering Justice / 1. Making the case for people-centred justice Reforming justice: moving up the policy agenda Conflicts are an inevitable part of life. Preventing disputes, and managing them carefully, is the daily business of courts, government agencies, and political institutions. Professionals in […]

Overview of the report Trend Report 2021 – Delivering Justice / Overview of the report Overview of the report This report is based on HiiL’s many years of collecting data about people’s justice needs and experiences. This work was done together with partners including the World Justice Project, UNDP, the OECD and the Open Society […]