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JNS Nigeria 2024

Justice Needs and Satisfaction in Nigeria 2024 An update on the justice gap and a deeper understanding of the evolution of legal problems August, 2024 Share Download Photo by: Tolu Owoeye, via Shutterstock In April 2023, HiiL launched its Justice Needs and Satisfaction (JNS) Nigeria 2023. Based on survey interviews with 6,573 Nigerians from all […]

8. Conclusion

8. Conclusion Share Download Image – Inclusive Justice Activity Many people in the sampled populations encounter legal problems in their daily lives. Three out of four people experienced at least one legal problem in the previous 12 months. While this problem prevalence rate is high, it is positive to see that the vast majority of […]

7. Anticipated Legal Problems

7. Anticipated Legal Problems Share Download Image – If a person reported not having experienced any legal problems in the past 12 months, they were then asked about problems they anticipate arising in the upcoming 12 months. The sample size for this section is small; only 243 respondents reported not having experienced any legal […]

6. Action, Resolution, and Fairness

6. Action, Resolution, and Fairness Share Download Image – Inclusive Justice Activity 86% of people take some kind of action to resolve their problem, which ranges from unilateral actions to going to a third party. 43% of those people talk with the other party in an effort to solve the problem.  About half of all […]

Borders dispute

Case study: Land Boundaries Dispute in Kenya Audience: HiiL experts, Data practice, Evidence-based work practice, Innovation Practice, JT practice Objective: exmplify a real-life example of one of the most frequently occurring legal problems Why is it important: JNS data shows that land and particularly boundary disputes is among the most frequent and pressing legal problems. […]

5. Seriousness of all legal problems

5. Seriousness of all legal problems Share Download Image – Inclusive Justice Activity On a scale from 1 (not serious at all) to 10 (extremely serious), people were able to rate the seriousness of each of their reported legal problems. The most commonly reported seriousness is 10, but the mean seriousness ranking is 5,83 for […]

4. Types of legal problems

4. Types of legal problems Share Download Image – People most commonly report legal problems related to debt and money; neighbour disputes; and access to health, pensions, education and public services. Not much variation is noted in the top problems among the various demographic groups.  To properly interpret these results, it is important to […]

3. Legal problems in the last 12 months

3. Legal problems in the last 12 months Share Download Image  – 75% of the participants report experiencing one or more legal problems in the previous 12 months. These results are higher than the JNS survey, whereby 55% of the sample population experienced one or more legal problems in the previous four years. Why […]

2. Methodology

2. Methodology Share Download Image – Inclusive Justice Activity To conduct the eJNS survey, adult (18+) participants were recruited through two strategies. First, the survey was advertised on Facebook and Instagram (Meta platforms). Ads were run through USAID Justicia Inclusiva’s Meta account. The ads targeted people living in the 76 municipalities included in the Justicia […]

1. Introduction

1. Key findings & Introduction Share Download Image – Key findings 75% of participants report experiencing one or more legal problems in the previous 12 months. The most commonly reported legal problems are related to debt and money; neighbour disputes; and access to health, pensions, education and public services. Public order and armed conflict […]