An update on the justice gap and a deeper understanding of the evolution of legal problems...
Traditionally, measurement of people’s access to justice has focused on the number of entities that offer justice services and their performance....
People-centred justice is a globally emerging approach that supports the realisation of SDG 16 – promoting peaceful and inclusive societies, providing access...
This policy brief explores the connection between climate change and access to justice. Across the world, billions of people encounter justice problems....
People-centred, outcomes-based justice is justice that addresses the people’s underlying needs and resolves their most pressing legal problems. In order to assess...
At any time, more than 1.5 billion people worldwide have legal problems they cannot solve. Data from counties where HiiL worked make...
Leaders in the justice sector operate in a challenging environment. Faced with overburdened courts, expensive legal advice, and complex procedures that make...
There is growing recognition of a new paradigm that can help us deal with the challenge of achieving SDG16.3 – access to...
Building on the merits of informal justice and alternative dispute resolution processes, many countries have developed community justice or informal justice programmes....